Well, we finally have enough fresh eggs to bring in new customers! Our motto is "Live Real. Eat Real." Our chicken ladies roam on pasture, out in the sunshine, are fed grain grown locally and treated as our family's pets! Most of our chickens our Heritage Birds!
But why are pastured chickens, and thus their eggs, better for you to eat:
1. Our chickens forage for their own food which is natural to their species (happy chickens).
2. They are in the sunshine which allows the Vitamin D to concentrate in the eggs.
3. The more grub they forage for, the less ‘feed’ they need
4. Omega-3 is higher in concentration in pastured chickens
The Weston A Price Foundation website has an article on pastured egg nutrition here. Some additional nutritional benefits of PASTURED over conventional store-bought eggs:1) 2/3 more Vitamin A2) Up to 7 times more beta-carotene3) 3 times the Vitamin E4) Twice the Omega-3 Fatty Acids which is severely deficient in the modern American diet5) 4-6 times more Vitamin D
And I haven't even shared the best reason with you! These eggs are delicious! They are rich, with deeply colored yolks (more so as they are put back on newly greened pasture after winter.) Once you eat fresh, pastured eggs, store bought eggs taste watery. So, add this all up with the nutritional value of pastured eggs and this is a simple way you too can begin the journey of eating real, local and fresh food.
I have about 15 dozen eggs spoken for already and another 10 dozen at $4 per dozen available. We reserve just the right amount of eggs your family needs on a weekly basis. I deliver Wednesdays at co op at the Bridge and Sundays during church at the Bridge. You are always welcome to come by and visit the chickens, collect your own eggs or grab a dozen out of the freezer! We also have heritage turkeys to admire.
Let me know if you would like to reserve your eggs as soon as possible! I will put your name on the list!
Live Real. Eat Real.
Kerry of Hinton Family Farm
I just hope {at least} one of those turkeys has our name on it!